Most sets that we discussed (like the empty set and singleton sets) do not contain themselves.

Sets that don't contains themselves

However, since in set theory everything is a set and the elements of sets are again sets, a set can contain aset can contain itself.

A set that contains itself

This is root cause of Russel’s paradox. In order to understand it, we will try to visualize the set of all sets that do not contain themselves. In the original set notation we can define this set to be such that it contains all sets $x$ such that $x$ is not a member of $x$), or ${x \mid x ∉ x }$

Russel's paradox - option one

However, there is something wrong with this picture — if we look at the definition, we recognize that the set that we just defined does not contain itself and therefore it belongs there as well.

Russel's paradox - option one

Hmm, something is not quite right here either — because of the new adjustments that we made, our set now contains itself. And removing it from the set would just take us back to where we started. This is Russell’s paradox.

Resolving the paradox in set theory

We may deem Russell’s paradox unimportant at first, our initial reaction being something like

“Wait, can’t we just add some rules that say that you cannot draw the set that contains itself?”

This was exactly what the mathematicians Ernst Zermelo and Abraham Fraenkel set out to do (no pun intended), by defining the Zermelo–Fraenkel Set Theory, or ZFC (the C at the end is a separate story). ZFC was a success, and it is still in use today, however it compromises one of the best features that sets have, namely their simplicity.

Why? The original formulation of set theory was based on just one (rather vague) rule/axiom: “Given a property P, there exists a set of all objects that have this property” i.e. any bunch of objects can be put to a set.

Naive set theory

In contrast, ZFC is defined by a larger number of (more restrictive) axioms, such as the axiom of pairing, which states that given any two sets, there exist a set which contains them as elements.

The axiom of pairing in ZFC

…or the axiom of union, stating that if you have two sets you also have the set that contains all their elements.

The axiom of union in ZFC

There are a total of about 8 such axioms (depending on the flavour of the theory), curated in a way that allows us to construct all sets that are interesting, without being able to construct sets that lead to a contradiction.

Resolving the paradox with type theory

While Zermelo and Fraenkel were working on refining axioms of set theory in order to avert Russell’s paradox, Russell himself took a different route and decided to ditch sets altogether, and develop an entirely new mathematical theory that is free of paradoxes by design. He called it the theory of types (or type theory).

Type theory is not at all similar to set theory, but it is at the same time, not entirely different from it, as the concepts of types and terms are clearly reminiscent of the concepts of sets and elements

Theory Set theory Type Theory
An Element Term
Belongs to a Set Type
Notation $a \in A$ $a : A$

The biggest difference, between the two, when it comes to structure is that terms are bound to their types.

So, while in set theory, one element can be a member of many sets

A set and a subset

In type theory, a term can have only one type. (note that the red ball in the small circle is different from the red ball in the bigger circle)

A type and a subtype

Due to this law, types cannot contain themselves. So because of it, Russell’s paradox, is entirely avoided. However, the law is very weird — we are basically saying that if you have the type Human that contains all humans and the type Mathematician that contains all mathematicians, than the mathematician Jencel is a different object than the human Jencel.

It only starts to make some sense once we realize that we can always convert the more general version of the value to the more specific one, using the image function that we learned about in the first chapter.

A type and a subtype with a function

As you would see shortly, the concept of types has to do a lot with the concept of functions.

What are types

“Every propositional function φ(x)—so it is contended—has, in addition to its range of truth, a range of significance, i.e. a range within which x must lie if φ(x) is to be a proposition at all, whether true or false. This is the first point in the theory of types; the second point is that ranges of significance form types, i.e. if x belongs to the range of significance of φ(x), then there is a class of objects, the type of x, all of which must also belong to the range of significance of φ(x)” — Bertrand Russell - Principles of Mathematics

So let’s set all these things aside (haha, this time it was on purpose) and see how do we define a type theory in its own right.

We say a type theory, because (time for a long disclaimer) there are not one, but many different (albeit related) formulations of type theory that are, confusingly, called type theories (and less confusingly, type systems), such as Simply-typed lambda calculus or Intuitionistic type theory. For this reason, it makes sense to speak about a type theory. At the same time, “type theory” (uncountable) refers to the whole field of study of type theories, just like category theory is the study of categories. And moreover, (take a deep breath) you can sometimes think of the different type systems as “different versions of type theory” and so, when people talk about a given set of features that are common to all type systems, they sometimes use the term “type theory” to refer to any random type system that has these features. But let’s get back to our subject (however we want to call it).

In the last section, we talked about types in the context of set theory and we learned that, unlike set elements, terms can belong to only one type. This is correct, but it is not at all the whole story. In fact, thinking in terms of sets won’t get you far as a type theorists — you have to think in terms of categories. So, for this reason, We will start this section with the same piece of advise that I gave you when we went from sets to categories and from classical logic to intuitionistic logic: “forget what you know.”

So, after stumbling upon his eponymous paradox (which you don’t know about ;)), Russell started searching for a new way to define all collections of objects that are interesting, without accidentally defining collections that lead us ashtray, (and without having to make up a multitude of additional axioms, a-la ZFC). He devised a system that fits all these criteria, based on a revolutionary new idea… which is basically the same idea that is at the heart of category theory (I don’t know why he never got credit for being a category theory pioneer): The interesting collections, the ones that we want to talk about in the first place, are the collections that are the source and target of functions.

Building types

We saw that type theory is not so different from set theory when it comes to structure that it produces, as all types are sets (although not all sets are types) and all functions are still functions. However, type theory is very different from set theory when it comes to how does this structure come about.

In set theory, we start by building all sets and elements. Even we can say (as the existence of all sets is just a result of the axioms) that all sets and their elements are already there at the beginning, floating around and waiting to be explored.

Sets in set theory

Then, with the sets already in place, we start defining functions between them.

Sets and functions in set theory

In type theory, we start with a blank sheet [digram ommitted] and we start defining functions, only through the functions do the types come to be. More specifically, we start by defining a functions that ouput things from nothing thus defining the sets that we want to study (like for example the numbers, the booleans etc).

Next we define functions again, but

Because a term can only belong to one type, in type theory, the natural number 1 is denoted as $1: \mathbb{N}$) and it is an entirely separate object from the integer 1 (denoted or $1: \mathbb{Z}$)

A set and a subset

In programming

“In general, we can think of data as defined by some collection of selectors and constructors, together with specified conditions that these procedures must fulfill in order to be a valid representation.” — Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

So, we already have some idea of what a type is: a type is a collection of terms, that is the source and target of functions. This definition may seem a bit vague, but it is trivial when we look at how types are defined in computer programming.

class MyType<A> {

  a: A;
  constructor(a) {
    this.a = a;

  getA() {
    return this.a;


It is obvious, even when viewed through the lense of traditional imperative languages, that the definition of a type consists of the definitions of a bunch of functions. However, not just any random collection of functions would suffice – there are 3 special kinds of functions that have to be defined in order for a type to work.

First off, a type has to have a definition which specifies what it is. Note that this is not a function between values, but a function between types — a type-level function. In programming, we call these types of functions generic types, but they are functions nevertheless — we supply some types and get a definition of the new type.

class MyType<A> {
  a: A;

(For non-generic types, the rule would correspond to a type-level function with no arguments, which would correspond to a (non-generic) type.)

Next up, a type has to have at least one constructor which allows us to produce a value/term of that type. The constructor is a “normal” value-level function.

  constructor(a) {
    this.a = a;

Finally, a type has to have at least one method in order to be useful — we don’t want to construct types just for the sake of constructing new types.

Methods are functions that allow us to do something with a value of that type, once we constructed it.

  getA() {
    return this.a;

(There are also methods that mutate the type’s properties, but we don’t talk about these in functional programming.)

In Category Theory

Now, let’s see the categorical perspective of what are we taling about. We already know that a type corresponds to an object in the category of types, and a categorical object has to have at three kinds of morphisms in order for the object to play a role in the category, which correspond to the three types of functions in programming.

Firstly, a categorical object has to have a morphism that defines it. This one is more special, as it is not an ordinary morphism in the object’s category, but we will discuss what exactly it is later (it is connected to the idea of a universal property.)

Secondly, a categorical object has to have at least one morphism coming to it, from some other object in the category. In other words, it has to be the target of at least one arrow.

And thirdly, it has to have morphisms from it to some other objects. Has to be the source of at least one arrow.

In type theory

We will now see how these type-creating functions look like in type theory.

The functions that define a type are called typing rules and each of them has a name.

For this, we need to get to know the formal language that is used for defining them, called natural deduction.

\[\frac {A \; \mathrm{type}} {MyType \; A \; \mathrm{type}}\] \[\frac {a : A} {mytype\;a : MyType \; A}\] \[\frac {mytype\;a : MyType \; A} {a : A}\]

Typing rules and the principle of substitution

So, why do we call morphisms in type theory rules? To understand that, we have to understand the principle that is underneath all of type theory — the principle of substitution.

We already saw that functions in type theory and set theory look identical —

However, in set theory, sets are just assumed to exist, as for example the set of colors, as any other set is just assumed to exist.

And type theory, functions are build.

These ways, type theory holds, is nothing more than the process of substituting one value with another, according to a finite number of rules.

This principle is also underneat the way axiom schemas are used in logic, but it is actually much more general than that. It is also the principle behind algrebra in general e.g. the rules of addition are nothing but rules that define when can you substitute a value to another.

But wait, are substitution rules really powerful enough to represent all functions? How would we go about in representing types that have an infinite number of terms (such as the natural numbers), and functions between them (such as the sum function).

Type theory and logic

Type theory and computation

The product type

“In general, we can think of data as defined by some collection of selectors and constructors, together with specified conditions that these procedures must fulfill in order to be a valid representation.” — Hal Abelson Jerry Sussman and Julie Sussman, SICP

Type formation rules

When we define a new type we firstly want to provide a type definition show what the type should look like. This is known as the type-formation rule.

\[\frac{\Gamma \vdash A \; \mathrm{type} \quad \Gamma \vdash B \; \mathrm{type}}{\Gamma \vdash A \times B \; \mathrm{type}}\]

Term introduction rules

OK, now that we have the definition of the type, we would typically want a way to create values from that type or, in other words we would need constructors.

  constructor(a, b) {
    this.a = a;
    this.b = b;

In type-theoretic terms, we would call constructor a term introduction rule, (term being the type-theoretic word for value).

Introduction rules for product types:

\[\frac{\Gamma \vdash A \; \mathrm{type} \quad \Gamma\vdash B \; \mathrm{type}}{\Gamma, x:A, y:B \vdash (x, y):A \times B}\]

Term elimination rules

\[\frac{\Gamma \vdash A \; \mathrm{type} \quad \Gamma \vdash B \; \mathrm{type}}{\Gamma, z:A \times B \vdash \pi_1(z):A} \qquad \frac{\Gamma \vdash A \; \mathrm{type} \quad \Gamma \vdash B \; \mathrm{type}}{\Gamma, z:A \times B \vdash \pi_2(z):B}\]

Computation rule

\[\frac{\Gamma \vdash A \; \mathrm{type} \quad \Gamma\vdash B \; \mathrm{type}}{\Gamma, x:A, y:B \vdash \beta_{\times 1}(x, y):\pi_1((x, y)) =_A x} \qquad \frac{\Gamma \vdash A \; \mathrm{type} \quad \Gamma \vdash B \; \mathrm{type}}{\Gamma, x:A, y:B \vdash \beta_{\times 2}(x, y):\pi_2((x, y)) =_{B} y}\]

Uniqueness rules

\[\frac{\Gamma \vdash A \; \mathrm{type} \quad \Gamma \vdash B \; \mathrm{type}}{\Gamma, z:A \times B \vdash \eta_{\times}(z):z =_{A \times B} (\pi_1(z), \pi_2(z))}\]

Types as mathematical foundation

Types and computation

Types and logic

Numbers as types

Learning mathematics, can feel overwhelming, because of the huge, even infinite, body of knowledge: how do you proceed so big of a task? But it turns out the answer is simple: you start off knowing 0 things, 0 theories. Then, you learn 1 theory - congrats, you have learned your first theory and so you would know a total of 1 theories. Then, you learn 1 more theory and you would already know a total of 2 theories. Then learn 1 more theory and then 1 more and, given enough time and dedication, you may learn all theories.

This little argument applies not only to learning mathematical theories, but to everything else that is “countable”, so to say. This is because it is the basis of the mathematical definition of natural numbers, as famously syntesized in the 19th century by the Italian mathematician Giuseppe Peano:

  1. $0$ is a natural number.
  2. If $n$ is a naturan number, $n+1$ is a natural number.

And then, he gave the following laws.

Types and categories

In thinking of a category as a type theory, the objects of a category are regarded as types (or sorts) and the arrows as mappings between the corresponding types. Roughly speaking, a category may be thought of a type theory shorn of its syntax. In the 1970s Lambek20 established that, viewed in this way, cartesian closed categories correspond to the typed λ-calculus. Later Seely [1984] proved that locally Cartesian closed categories correspond to Martin-L¨of, or predicative, type theories. Lambek and Dana Scott independently observed that C-monoids, i.e., categories with products and exponentials and a single, nonterminal object correspond to the untyped λ-calculus. The analogy between type theories and categories has since led to what Jacobs [1999] terms a “type-theoretic boom”, with much input from, and applications to, computer science