Have a static website that uses an engine that supports Markdown? With this script, makes it very easy for you to add a page that shows the newest posts from your favourite websites, using RSS.
Works also with Github actions and Github pages
If you want to build the page locally
npm install -global <package-dir>
cat feed-sites | static-feed-aggregator > feeds.md
Or without installing:
echo -e "http://proses.io/feed\nhttps://rin.io/feed" | node <package-dir>/index.js > feeds.md
You would also probably want to schedule this job to run regularly, for example using cron.
If you want to run the same page as the demo, you use the Github action that is set up for this project:
file and add the list of feeds you want to follow (remember, those should be URL’s of feeds, not websites).feeds.md
file to see content from those sites (the page will be updated every day).